
All the spicey takes

And more….

Ainslee Roughan Ainslee Roughan

Building a social feed that fills your cup

“Why haven’t I been seeing your content recently?” – I regularly get messages along these lines. So let’s break down why this might happen.

A lot of people use socials, but not a lot of people understand how they work. To be honest, before getting into socials from a practitioner/creator perspective, I had NO idea either!

The information below explains (in very basic terms) how the algorithm works and how you can shape your social feeds to show you what you want to see.

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Ainslee Roughan Ainslee Roughan

Stroller ergonomics for the parent

How we push a stroller can help us feel more comfortable in our bodies.

Below are some common parental complaints about body comfort while pushing a stroller coupled with my top tips on how to remedy those areas of discomfort.

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Ainslee Roughan Ainslee Roughan

Period Underwear yarns

I have been using reusable period underwear for over 2 years now. Why? Because, pads (no thanks), tampons (not feeling ya), menstrual cup (uncomfortable since having my child), here is my experience with them.

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Ainslee Roughan Ainslee Roughan

4th Trimester yarns part 3

See part 1 and part 2 to get the run down on the first parts of this blog.

This is a continuation of discussing factors that can impact the 4th trimester experience.

Parents often feel confused about the 4th trimester, the experience can be so different from parent to parent, so in this series of blog posts I am endeavor to highlight factors that people often don't think of when it comes to why the 4th trimester differs from person to person.

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